Second Year - First Semester REQUIRED READING

You will need to purchase the following 6 books for your personal use during the First Semester of your Second Year of study in our online school.

The first row of 3 books is required reading. The second row of 3 books is suggested reading. These 6 books are depicted below, along with the courses in which they will be used. For the convenience of our students, we make a diligent effort to only use books that can be purchased on Amazon. When a valid link is available, it is provided. Clicking on this link is the easiest and fastest way to acquire these books. If a link is not provided, go straight to Amazon to purchase your book.

S03C1 - The Holy Spirit In The Life Of Jesus

S03C2 - Holy Ghost Fire Through The Ages - Semester 3

Second Year - First Semester SUGGESTED READING

By reading the 3 suggested books each semester, you will be exposed to a tremendous amount of valuable information not provided in the online classes. Additionally, completing this part of your assignments, each and every Semester, will qualify you to graduate with Distinction. For the convenience of our students, we make a diligent effort to only use books that can be purchased on Amazon. When a valid link is available, it is provided. Clicking on this link is the easiest and fastest way to acquire these books. If a link is not provided, go straight to Amazon to purchase your book.

Second Year - First Semester - Course Descriptions

S03C1 - The Holy Spirit In The Life Of Jesus

The life of Jesus was marked by at least six major events that are mentioned in Scriptures. Actually, we do not know very much of the detail about His formative years. It appears that Jesus had a normal childhood. That is, it seems normal until we read about His trip to the Temple. That would also be normal had He not stayed there after His family left. The conversation Jesus had with His parents at the conclusion of this event is intriguing. And I must add, who else has had a Baptismal Service like Jesus had? Who else has spent 40 days in the wilderness with the devil. These were indeed epic events

S03C2 - Holy Ghost Fire Through The Ages - Semester 3

You have probably heard the names of people like Gordon Lindsay, Kathryn Kuhlman, A. A. Allen and Jack Coe. But what do you know about these people and the powerful ministry God entrusted to them? Is it possible that you don't understand why you need to know about people like these and dozens of others whose names you have never heard? There are countless individuals the Holy Spirit has worked through, bringing healing and great miracles and yet they are for the most part unknown. We need to know about those who have gone before us. The battles they fought and won often make our struggles seem as nothing. But it is not the size of the battle that matters. What is important it to know our faith works just like the faith of these wonderful people who spent their lives doing great things for God. Like some of them we may never be remembered in this life. But God never forgets anyone. This course will thrill you and encourage your heart.

S03C3 - The Power Of The Holy Ghost

No doubt, by now you have noticed that in the School Of The Holy Spirit, we often refer to the Holy Spirit as the Holy Ghost. Some have concluded that this is inappropriate and that He should always be called the Holy Spirit. Yet, He is called both in the Bible. Neither of these titles is more indicative of His power than the other. His power does not emanate from His title. The Holy Spirit receives His power from the Heavenly Father. Yet, amazing as it may seem, God chose to have the Holy Spirit share His power with us. I am sure you recall these words from Acts 1:8. "But you shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you." What is that power? What will this power do? How do we use this power? Enjoy this course as you hear the answers to questions like these.

Second Year - Second Semester REQUIRED READING

You will need to purchase the following 6 books for your personal use during the Second Semester of your Second Year of study in our online school.

The first row of 3 books is required reading. The second row of 3 books is suggested reading. These 6 books are depicted below, along with the courses in which they will be used. For the convenience of our students, we make a diligent effort to only use books that can be purchased on Amazon. When a valid link is available, it is provided. Clicking on this link is the easiest and fastest way to acquire these books. If a link is not provided, go straight to Amazon to purchase your book.

S04C1 - The Holy Spirit In The Ministry Of Jesus

This book will be available in the near future.

S04C2 - Holy Ghost Fire Through The Ages - 4

S04C3 - The Holy Spirit And The Whole Armor Of God

Amazon link not available

Second Year - Second Semester SUGGESTED READING

By reading the 3 suggested books each semester, you will be exposed to a tremendous amount of valuable information not provided in the online classes. Additionally, completing this part of your assignments, each and every Semester, will qualify you to graduate with Distinction. For the convenience of our students, we make a diligent effort to only use books that can be purchased on Amazon. When a valid link is available, it is provided. Clicking on this link is the easiest and fastest way to acquire these books. If a link is not provided, go straight to Amazon to purchase your book.

S04C1 - The Holy Spirit In The Ministry Of Jesus

Amazon link not available

S04C2 - Holy Ghost Fire Through The Ages - 4

Amazon link not available

S04C3 - The Holy Spirit And The Whole Armor Of God

Amazon link not available

Second Year - Second Semester - Course Descriptions

S04C1 - The Holy Spirit In The Ministry Of Jesus

The ministry of Jesus is often confused with the works of Jesus. By "works" we mean the healings, miracles, and signs and wonders He performed. His ministry was far greater than the sum of those great works. This must be so, because His ministry continues unabated after a period of more than 2000 years. One might argue that His ministry of healing and miracles continues today. At the School Of The Holy Spirit we believe that is true. However, it is men and women who are filled with the Holy Ghost who are now doing those works. The ministry of Jesus is best defined relative to who Jesus is, and not just what He did. Then we must consider what caused Him to be as He is. Many things coalesce to cause us to be who we are. The same was true of Jesus. We can do the things Jesus did, but we can never become who He is. And you can be sure, who He is will never change. This is how we think of the ministry of Jesus at this school.

S04C2 - Holy Ghost Fire Through The Ages - 4

Since the day of Pentecost, only a few men have risen to the level of World-wide prominence that was attained by the late Oral Roberts. While many others have tried to achieve this level of recognition, it seems very clear this was not the goal of this man of God. Others promoted Him in both positive and negative ways. At least one man tried to kill him. This event caused the name Oral Roberts to become known all over America. There may be others that we know nothing about, who tried to stop him. Oral Roberts is not the only subject of this course, but he is just an excellent example of the men and women spoken of in this course of study who never created an immoral or unethical scandal. Does this mean everyone agreed with the doctrines of these men and women? Certainly not. In this course we will allow God to be their judge and we will appreciate their great witness for Jesus in the Earth.

S04C3 - The Holy Spirit And The Whole Armor Of God

Attempting to wear the armor of God without the Holy Spirit is about as effective as going hunting without a gun. A person might make a lot of noise, but they really will not accomplish very much. Natural soldiers would not think of entering enemy territory without proper preparation and a sufficient defense mechanism in place. Yet, as Christians we live everyday in a world system, mostly controlled by the devil. Sadly, many Christians experience defeat on a regular basis. Some try to wear this armor and decide it is too difficult to use. Others know nothing of this armor and the absolute need for the Holy Spirit to make proper use of it. So like hunters in the woods without a gun or soldiers in battle without an effective defense, Christianity appears to be no more capable of dealing with this life than people who don't know Jesus. One of the goals of this school and therefore this course is to change this reputation of the Christian life.